The Staškevičius family
Brick Number: 

In memory of Stasys Staškevičius
Rev. Jonas Staškevičius and Stasys Staškevičius were brothers of the late Juozas Staškevičius (1909-2004) of Toronto and the late Bronius Staškevičius (1920-2003) of Montreal, the only two of the Staškevičius family who fled to the west to escape communism.

Stasys Staškevičius (born in 1911) was a farmer and married man with a young daughter who felt the need to fight for the freedom of his homeland. He had been an organizer of the Catholic youth movement “Pavasaris”. He joined the underground resistance movement in Soviet occupied Lithuania in 1941 and was shot and killed by the communists in 1945 at the age of 33.